Theory of Mind Inventory SR Adult (ToMI)


Client ID: ToMI-SR:Adult 123
Age: 34
Biological Sex: Female


Composite Mean 12.51 (of 20)
This composite score is below 16.5.
This indicates risk for poor social cognitive development.
Percentile compared to non-autistic group1st
Percentile compared to autistic group52nd


Next, examine the item level scores to determine areas of strengths and challenges. The following table provides the raw item scores for your client (possible range = 0-20). The corresponding percentile ranks are also provided to compare your client's score to two reference groups: a non-autistic group and an autistic group.

# Measure Score Non-Autistic
Autistic Group
1 Affective Empathy 9.8 3rd 35th
2 Mixed Emotions 5.7 1st 10th
3 Time Perception 12.5 16th 59th
4 Episodic Memory 5.0 4th 8th
5 Nonliteral Language: Metaphor 17.6 17th 56th
6 Nonliteral Language: Metonymy 1.4 1st 8th
7 Nonliteral Language: Metaphor 5.7 1st 24th
8 Social Perception 17.1 36th 61st
9 Double Bluff 13.2 9th 53rd
10 Motivated Reasoning 9.8 18th 49th
11 Hypocrisy 19.9 47th 81st
12 Social Common Sense 0.0 1st 1st
13 Stereotypical Thinking 16.8 29th 67th
14 White Lie Appreciation 10.1 13th 46th
15 Display Rules 3.8 1st 4th
16 Complex Social Judgment 15.8 23rd 82nd
17 Lies v. Jokes 19.9 62nd 90th
18 Intentionality 16.9 42nd 89th
19 Complex Social Judgment 8.5 1st 40th
20 Emotion Recognition: Disgust 12.3 1st 26th
21 Empathy (cognitive and affective) 13.1 3rd 44th
22 Humor: Play on Words 13.7 3rd 29th
23 Humor Appreciation 5.6 1st 23rd
24 Audience Adaptation 18.4 44th 74th
25 Emotion Recognition: Sad 18.8 15th 79th
26 Emotion Recognition: Scared 19.1 22nd 72nd
27 Emotion Recognition: Surprise 15.8 9th 56th
28 Situation-based Emotion: Embarrassed 12.5 1st 40th
29 Introspection: Emotion 20.0 65th 89th
30 Future Thinking 20.0 43rd 85th
31 Situation-based Emotion: Pride 17.1 6th 64th
32 Situation-based Emotion 5.0 1st 12th
33 Future Thinking 17.1 33rd 87th
34 Social Awareness 12.4 11th 79th
35 Social Perception: Body Language 16.5 26th 79th
36 Eye contact 16.7 29th 81st
37 Display Rules 11.4 6th 57th
38 Social Perception: Voices 18.8 30th 82nd
39 Social Perception: Affinity 18.6 66th 93rd
40 Situation-based Emotion: Jealousy 0.0 1st 1st
41 Lie detection 4.8 1st 25th
42 Episodic Memory 7.4 13th 23rd
43 Sympathy 7.9 1st 15th
44 Emotion Blends 11.2 1st 26th
45 Nonliteral Language: Verbal Irony 1.2 1st 3rd
46 Introspection: Action 19.4 45th 86th
47 Introspection: Desire 19.0 41st 83rd
48 Introspection: Planning 19.2 36th 84th
49 Cognitive Empathy 17.4 66th 93rd
50 Emotional Intelligence 0.0 1st 1st
51 Future Thinking 15.3 29th 86th
52 Social Perception: Reading Eyes 5.1 1st 49th
53 Social Perception: Mood 4.7 3rd 19th
54 Prognostication 20.0 74th 96th
55 Non-literal Language: Metaphor 18.5 26th 65th
56 Social Awareness 2.0 1st 14th
57 Expressive Pragmatics:Conversation 15.1 29th 84th
58 Expressive Pragmatics: Narrative Construction 18.8 62nd 91st
59 Nonliteral Language: Proverbs 18.1 37th 80th
60 Expressive Pragmatics: Conversation 13.2 28th 85th