For information regarding the development and validation of the ToMI, please see the following articles:
Brief Report: An independent replication and extension of psychometric evidence supporting the Theory of Mind Inventory.
Greenslade, K., & Coggins, T. (2016). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(8), 2785-90.
Psychometric evaluation of the Theory of Mind Inventory (ToMI): A study of typically developing children and children with autism spectrum disorder
Tiffany L. Hutchins, Patricia A. Prelock, & Laura A. Bonazinga (2012). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 42, 327-341.
Brief Report: Preliminary evaluation of the Theory of Mind Inventory and its relationship to measures of social skills
Matthew D. Lerner, Tiffany L. Hutchins, & Patricia A. Prelock (2011). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 41, 512-517.
Beyond false beliefs: The development and psychometric evaluation of the Perceptions of Children’s Theory of Mind Measure – Experimental Version (PCToMM-E)
Tiffany L. Hutchins, Laura A. Bonazinga, Patricia A.Prelock, & Rebecca S. Taylor (2008). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38, 142-155.
Using the Theory of Mind Inventory to detect a broad range of theory of mind challenges in children with hearing loss: A pilot study
Tiffany L. Hutchins, Lyndsey Allen, & Maggie Shefer (2017). Deafness and Education International.