The contact information for researchers who have developed translations of the ToMI and ToM Task Battery are posted on this website with understanding that the translation developers are to provide their most up-to-date contact information. At times, contact information for researchers may be outdated and the ToMI Advisory Committee is unable to help with finding the new contact information due to lack of resources.

Translations are also developed with the understanding that the translation is based closely on the original version in the English language. The ToMI Advisory Committee takes no responsibility for the quality of the translation, which lies with the translator. We encourage translators to use back-translation by native speakers as a way of checking quality and to adhere to the International Test Commission Guidelines for Translating and Adapting Tests but the ToMI Advisory Committee cannot help with test development due to lack of resources. Researchers who use a translated test and discover errors are encouraged to contact the translator directly to suggest corrections.

Permission to translate a test is granted by the ToMI Advisory Board. It is hoped that all researchers who develop successful translations of the ToMI and/or ToM Task Battery will share their measures with other researchers as to avoid duplication of work and test products.

Theory of Mind Inventory Translations

ToM Task Battery Translations

Adapting to Other Languages

The ToMI is copyrighted and creation of new adaptations of this instruments in other languages requires permission of the ToMI Advisory Board.
The ToMI Advisory Board provides guidelines for obtaining authorization for adaptations of the ToMI into other languages. These guidelines are described at:

Guidelines for the Adaptation of the ToMI